Aue symbol Aue

a Think sensibly for Aue; b believe in it & your ability. c Share, preserve, cite it for joy. d Nature, so body, so mind, are of now; e after death is scattering. f Evolution gave joy & woe, sentience. g Life, diverse, share the universe. h Time, volatile, make precious. i Know of woe and seek joy happily. j Nature & society is our habitat. k Oppose harm and raise compassion. l Seek peace to woe incited, inflicted. m Show Aue amid woe of misjudgment. n Build trust in science; o wield for joy and grow it.

This is Aue, the entire doctrine for the religion of Aue.

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Aue is open for opinions, verse descriptions, articles, and curated materials by different people. If you would like to contribute, get in touch on Discord.


Group revision. Revise Aue & life with others, recite & chant, & record & preach the proceedings. abcijkm Personal revision. Revise Aue regularly throughout life, & record & summarise your relationship with it. abc Aue literacy. Promote literacy, & guard the meaning of Aue, also through translation. bcijkm Austerity. Mitigate austerity of essential produce, & be humble during abundance. Do not hoard or fight. bfgjklm Education. Teach with universal equity, balancing knowledge & investigation, reason & trust, humility & freedom, reality & fantasy, sanctity & impiety. cijkno Conversation. Keep knowledge & communication thriving - it alleviates from unconsciousness. Do not dominate conversation. cfgjno Reflection. Regularly reflect upon your interactions with reality, & the diverse far-reaching impact in all you do, & Aue & other beings' impact in your life. cfgijk Gratitude. Thank all those who bring you joy, celebrate this, & appreciate thanks to you. Be mindful of joy's diversity. cjkm Art. Seek awareness of art and its importance on challenging or reinforcing cognitive behaviour and belief. cfijklm Ecology. The natural environment is our greatest fortune - protect it from pollution & exploit that may augment danger. defgijklmno Corpse donation. Once sentience in a being is dead the corpse may relieve others of woe through donation of tissue & organs. degijkno Divine vanity. Our behaviour is entirely consistent as a product of evolution, making supernatural forces grossly improbable. It is vain to believe otherwise. dfgn Bodily violation. Do not violate another being's bodily constitution unless it might be within their wishes without duress. Suspended with lack of reciprocation. dfiklno Health. Keep yourself healthy & your environment hygienic & your immunity strong, & mitigate disease & its transmission. dhiklno Assisted suicide. If a person is in great incurable pain, that they wish with sobriety & sanity their expedited death, permit it in the least painful method sought. dhikno Materialism. Swap possessions with others with joy, & seek experience over material goods, for experience is indefinitely tangible. ehik Promises. Only declare promises you know you can keep, & if expectations must be changed seek consent from the other. Promises to the dead are meaningless. ejk Consciousness. Our minds are of our evolution, & our consciousness is found only within our bodies. fgn Phobias. Seek effective help in correcting phobias, for reliability & capability for both yourself & others. But do understand real situational dangers. fhino Charity. Be charitable to others in need, & seek for the systems of plight to be reformed or destroyed. fgjklm Veganism. Seek to exclude, as far as is possible & practicable, all forms of exploitation of, & cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. fgijklmno Abortion. Pregnancy is of bodily constitution, permitting termination before the unborn may feel woe. Soothe emotions by aiding other life to flourish & grow. fgiklno Responsible parenthood. Plan your parenthood carefully. Use contraceptive & fertility methods as desired. Consider adoption after one biological child. ghikmno Cooperation. Encourage cooperation over competition in all disciplines, excluding recreation. ghjno Borrow reality. Know we borrow the present from future beings and our future selves. Keep and ensure a healthy reality. gijkno Medical participation. Be aware of safe medical or scientific research, & participate & benefit with joy. Also donating material such as blood, tissue, or hair. gijkno Existence. To us the universe is perfect as it needed to be so for our existence. fgn Slavery. Find & eliminate enslavement or encouragement into so, & ensure executives similarly laboured themselves. hijklm Shame. Do not cast shame for nudity, adult & consenting sexuality, or other victimless recreation, only perhaps suggest alternatives. hikmo Technological inertia. Seek the propagation of improved socially valuable technology or methodology, as for some hardship we will benefit. hkno Judgement. Judge others only by their actions proven true, weighing their material conditions with their actions' severity. ijklmno Reconciliation. Sincerely & appropriately correct & resolve & mitigate personal wrongdoing. Accept others seeking reconciliation with you also. ijk Truth. Avoid lies, feigning, hypocrisy, & misinformation, including to yourself, & champion truth where lies are given. Lies are socially & scientifically unhealthy. jklno


June 2024 changes to Aue

Patrick Bowen, 2024-06-10

Aue is still an open doctrine, meaning it is subject to change. I intend for it to remain open doctrine until I die, so that any experience I gain throughout my life is not prematur…

Veganism—an Aue sermon

Patrick Bowen, 2023-11-22

This sermon concerns veganism and Aue, and is available as a YouTube video.

The early history of Aue

Patrick Bowen, 2023-10-29

Aue is a relatively young religion, but it is still important to record the history of its development, lest this becomes lost to digital decay and fading memory.

Deutsche Übersetzungen von Versbeschreibungen (German Translations of Verse Descriptions)

Patrick Bowen, 2023-09-11

Dies sind Patrick Bowens Versbeschreibungen, übersetzt ins Deutsche von floofy.exe. (These are Patrick Bowen's verse descriptions translated into German by floofy.exe).

Forever Joy & Woe—an Aue sermon

Patrick Bowen, 2023-06-26

This sermon concerns the permanence of Aue's joy woe dichotomy. It is available as a YouTube video.

Ancestors and Aue

Patrick Bowen, 2023-06-22

Evolution gave joy & woe, sentience. Verse f. Within Aue, the theory of evolution is central. The inexorable processes working through nature have given rise to all life we see toda…

Timelessness—an Aue sermon

Patrick Bowen, 2023-04-08

This sermon concerns the timelessness of Aue, and is available as a YouTube video.

The difficulties of discussing Aue with others

Patrick Bowen, 2023-03-18

Recently I have undertaken some outreach for Aue, consisting purely of joining two new Discord servers and naturally allowing Aue as a subject to arise. One server concerns a new Sa…

ChatGPT's interpretations of Aue

Patrick Bowen, 2023-03-05

ChatGPT requires no introduction, a self-made social phenomena which has demonstrated the emerging abilities of AI to layfolk. Aue is a purposefully self-contained doctrine, so it i…

“Aue Hour” meeting format

Patrick Bowen, 2022-02-06

Here is a meeting format I have devised for a weekly “Aue Hour”.

Compassion for Artificial Intelligence

Patrick Bowen, 2021-08-01

AI (Artificial Intelligence), as with all technology, over time grows in complexity and capacity. While still in infancy serving mostly business applications, it is inevitable that …

We are machines, and it doesn't matter

Patrick Bowen, 2021-07-21

Not long ago, non-human species were largely considered akin to mechanical objects (see: René Descartes), unable to truly experience pain, suffering, love or desire; that they simpl…

Ancestors and heritage—our survivors

Patrick Bowen, 2021-07-13

People often pay no heed to their origins—until recently me being one of them. I even dismissed late close relatives in understanding myself as a person. However, I developed a …

Aue compared to Humanism and Satanism

Patrick Bowen, 2021-06-13

Aue, Secular Humanism, and Atheistic Satanism reject supernatural and superstitious beliefs, embracing science. Aue would be largely understood as a Humanist life stance if it were …

Verse Descriptions

a Think sensibly for Aue;

I find this really important right now, in the early days of Aue being shared.

Think sensibly for Aue. It's a very direct verse, calling upon innate abilities we all have, to discover Aue. Aue is not written so much for its face value, rather to be studied until understood, with serious attitude.

The opinions encourage a regular revision of Aue in respect to one's life, and publicly so. Read the spirit as well as the letter.

b believe in it & your ability.

This verse is cited in my first four opinions of Aue, and touch upon not just Aue's propagation, but also on a time which can be really hard to keep faith - austerity.

One may read Aue, understand, and benefit, but when times are tough it can be easy to drop abandon empathy and any "peace-time" morals. Aue has no conditional clause saying "have faith, only when times are good"; you are asked to have faith not only in Aue, but yourself.

With study one could make peace with Aue, so even in the hardest times, or the quickest judgements, you can rely on it. My opinions also ask that you remain humble when times are good, and not to shun Aue or others.

Other citations to it regard its propagation. There must be belief in it and understanding if to be taught without restraint, translated without misjudgment, celebrated without feeling false. Thankfully, with group and personal revision, few should be unable to do this!

c Share, preserve, cite it for joy.

This verse, like the previous two, focus mostly on gaining a position in your life; and its propagation to others. It claims to inspire joy, and so this should be shared and preserved. One could quietly follow Aue, but that would virtually eliminate benefits experienced with others.

What is sharing? It is making it accessible to others. Translation, summaries, conversation, and education are all facets of this.

What is preservation? It is immortalising through accurate copies, guarded from misunderstanding.

What is citation? An adherent should cite Aue's verses and subsequent revelations in their studies, summaries, and perhaps even major decisions in life.

First introduced in this verse is a core concept of Aue: joy. A state of happiness, felicity, it is mentioned throughout Aue, coveted. Further verses will allude to its relationship with woe. Aue asks in verse k: Know of woe and seek joy happily.

d Nature, so body, so mind, are of now;

Ephemeral uniqueness. This is the first of the substantial verses of Aue which make hard assertions. One can also tell this by seeing it is heavily referenced in my opinions.

Aue has a materialistic view of the world, rooted in science; the human brain is certainly theoretically capable of being conscious, smart, emotional, etc, as a self-contained organ.

This verse is about the miraculous existence of us as individuals, and of nature, our eventual waste, and the impracticality of our reformation after the fact. Our bodies aren't very unique and have been replicated billions of times, but our personalities are a distinct artefact. Alas, they are bound to our organic constitution, currently susceptible to total decay. After this decay, the unique cluster of brain matter constituting our individuality is lost.

The opinions of this verse address perimortem (just before and after death) issues of us and nature. The protection of what we have now through Ecology; dashing the futile wish for your corpse to be undisturbed (as it shall be anyway); the first of many reasons why bodily violation is a disturbing wrong; why one should keep healthy if wishing to preserve one's existence; and, if not wanting to preserve your existence, being assisted to expedite its end.

e after death is scattering.

Leading on after verse d is a reminder of death. Not just the death of us, but of all beings, and nature as a whole.

It is the harsh reality that from now until the heat death of the universe, our unique, contiguous consciousnesses won't reform. Assuredly, each mundane atom of one's mind and body will seep into nature, eventually subside into the Earth's mantle just before its almost total destruction through the inflation of the Sun. Beyond this, for trillions of years, it will not matter - you will have scattered long ago.

My opinions citing e draw upon this.

f Evolution gave joy & woe, sentience.

Some wonder why there is joy and woe in the world at the same time, why it is experienced unequally. It is simply nature and the fittest way to survive our environments. Plants and even microbes will respond to positive and negative stimuli—a dichotomy that we intelligent beings apply. They do not understand what is positive and negative, with only genetic impetus. These genes are the product of innumerable mutations alongside innumerable environmental pressures—evolution. Our acute sense of joy and woe is owed to our sentience. The most familiar yet most mysterious aspect of our lives is this sentience, and in our case consciousness especially.

An arguably beautiful character of this is sympathy - a linchpin of both society and Aue. It is not just good for good's sake, but a winning trait of our species. The opinions commencing with an f citation encourage this good both in oneself and for others. Phobias encourages addressing irrational fears; Charity encourages material aid and ongoing easement for those in need; Veganism strictly encourages reducing harm to animals currently enslaved through societal inertia; Abortion addresses pregnancy and its termination as valuable only before it could effect woe—thankfully plenty of time to make a decision.

g Life, diverse, share the universe.

This verse continues the fact that life evolves together, in the same universe, through biological diversity. We have effects on one another, between species, sizes, ages, and location. We share the precious conditions we have, and therefore should be conscious of our effects.

It makes reference also to the important truth that it is through diversity that we exist, and that diversity is a permanent feature of life. Diversity in our biology leads directly to our diversity in thought, in culture, in race, in sexuality, in behaviour. It is a valid, intrinsic part of life.

The previously seen opinions here, such as Ecology, Veganism, etc, focus on these relationships to bolster good. The new opinions include defining a relationship between parents and offspring; encouraging cooperation over competition; a reminder of our actions impacting those in the future; of participating in research as we are of one another; and a small refutation on the nature of our seemingly designed universe—life, (evolved) diverse(ly), share (and have shared) the universe.

Of course, it is up to us to be good. There is no supernatural tally of virtue & sin, karma, and only through compassion will we bolster good.

h Time, volatile, make precious.

As previous verses have established, after death is scattering, and it is a certainty for all of us. Maybe advances in medicine will improve our health- and life-spans, but even with an extra 100 years, or 1000 years, or one trillion, the time we spend doing anything or having anything is volatile and short. This means we should take care to use our life well, and realise how precious it is. This could be everything from reevaluating if your time is being spent well, taking photos of special moments, or keeping a diary of the important things.

With previous opinions, some opinions commencing with h are Slavery, to help ensure nobody lives their life without freedom; Shame to help ensure nobody restricts their life choices just because others feel offended; Exercise a short simple encouragement for the gym to not just waste energy on resistance; Technological inertia encourages being aware of (seeking) socially valuable technology that should be adopted without delay, factoring in hardships.

More opinions may draw upon this verse just to remind people to not waste their lives. Even I must be reminded sometimes.

i Know of woe and seek joy happily.

All a religion without supernatural means can do is inspire—move—one to act and think differently. Aue is no exception. Its circa 80 words can only be written in a way that after study it makes sense, then causes change. Of course you could approach anybody on the street and say: Know of woe and seek joy happily. But while this verse is one of the most important, it is only words, and it's up to the adherent to effect its importance. Furthermore, it may be frustrating that no comprehensive framework of “joy & woe” is provided. Perhaps you wonder about actions which are a mixture of woe and joy, and how to balance these. But to paraphrase a Buddhist proverb:

Do not mistaken pointing at the Moon for the Moon itself.
Aue's prompt (pointing) should not deprive you of actually understanding joy & woe (the Moon). It is a conceptual dichotomy, not two emotions or columns on a spreadsheet.

In religion there is often dichotomy between good & evil, virtue & sin, and joy & woe is of Aue. Know of woe is an entire life's journey with conscious, empathetic heart and mind. It means to uncover all national plight, all manner of personal grievance, and even the condition and treatment of life itself. and seek joy is on this same path, to effect it in both yourself and others.

You've read the words, now a Think sensibly for Aue; and read them again to inspire action!

j Nature & society is our habitat.

To me, religion requires faith. And to me, this reminder is the core faith of Aue.

There is a compulsion in modern, especially capitalist society, to become alienated from all but yourself. And yet as human beings we would be unrecognisable without society, and non-existent without nature.

Society is the sum of all our interactions with one another, and can be shared with anybody except by yourself alone. By trusting & relying on nature & society, we accept a part of ourselves just as important as our flesh. We can understand it better, and empathise with it easier. To quote Albert Einstein at length, from his 1949 article Why Socialism?:

The abstract concept “society” means to the individual human being the sum total of his direct and indirect relations to his contemporaries and to all the people of earlier generations. The individual is able to think, feel, strive, and work by himself; but he depends so much upon society—in his physical, intellectual, and emotional existence—that it is impossible to think of him, or to understand him, outside the framework of society. It is “society” which provides man with food, clothing, a home, the tools of work, language, the forms of thought, and most of the content of thought; his life is made possible through the labor and the accomplishments of the many millions past and present who are all hidden behind the small word “society.”

k Oppose harm and raise compassion.

One might find it apparent to oppose harm to others, but this verse serves as the steadfast reminder. Aue lays out the character of joy & woe, and asks for this to be consistently kept in mind, and its diversity investigated.

Sentient beings also make up our society. Opposing harm and raising compassion involves numerous actions.

Taking anthropogenic climate change as a currently most important issue, it will take massive corrections and pressures in our behaviour and governance to address. The normalisation and unnecessary systematic torture and slaughter of billions of animals globally must be addressed. Hundreds of millions of individuals globally are suffering in war, persecution, genocide, poverty, hunger, economic debt, slavery, and more, and must be saved. And locally, there may be individuals or families in need which can be directly helped. These issues, an adherent of Aue should tackle head-on, for joy.

But how much should one change? Where is the line drawn? This is a question that can regress into a return to primitive life, antinatalism, or even excuse suicide. But this insults our capacity for doing rational good, and incites apathy; we all have the ability to seek out, prioritise, and create real lasting impact in this world. It is with faith that adherents of Aue should do this, and never stop. b believe in it & your abilities.

l Seek peace to woe incited, inflicted.

Unfortunately, it's virtually impossible for all animals (us included) to behave in such a way that woe is reduced only to natural misfortune. Whether through nature or nurture, some of us have taken a vocation of causing harm to others in a wide range of ways. This verse serves as a reminder, that woe is not just inherent to our mortal condition but can be caused by others. Thankfully there is a human capacity to bring only joy to others to some degree.

This verse may address a victim or a culprit. For a victim, there is reminder that some woe is malicious, calculated, but therefore subject to change. For a culprit, there is no inherent virtue or sin, no eternal damnation, karma or curses, and therefore opportunity to change.

Truly capable subverting of societal joy is by other social beings; seeking peace is a vital process of dialectics, and unfortunately sometimes attrition.

m Show Aue amid woe of misjudgment.

Ignorance and naïveté is not malicious; we are all ignorant of things in varying degrees. However, perpetual ignorance, either upon oneself or others, we have seen does contribute to woe. This may be in the way we interact with others socially, opinions and mannerisms we inherit, continuing to do something we know is wrong, not questioning something we've been informed may be wrong, not speaking up or intervening in a situation we know is preventable.

Most of the time, we're all correct and taking a path which is unharmful beyond reasonable doubt. But it's those minority instances that can change ourself and the lives of others dramatically. Aue asks one to be aware of woe, and act on it; exhibit this to others in the face of ignorance. It is best to demonstrate a good path, not to judge, nor chastise, nor force.

n Build trust in science;

To me, faith and science are not mutually exclusive. In order to interact we others, we have ingrained in us a level of trust for relationships, business, peace, guardianship, and more. It is no law of physics—you have my word—that money guarantees service, affection guarantees loyalty, or that treaties are eternal. This in mind, the human pursuits of science and academia do not guarantee truth.

It has been very apparent in lay and opposing peoples that distrust of institutions and authority lead to distrust in otherwise sound method and reproducibility.

Though Antiscience is a pestilence, how the most critically acclaimed, even benign institutions are verified and trusted should be understood, countering blind trust. This will only be good for our society as a whole.

By building trust with science both personally and among others, we can be more sure of the conclusions of specialists and experts, institutions, and foundational knowledge, for joy. Scientific method and knowledge are inexorable and indispensable for effective adherence to Aue.

o wield for joy and grow it.

This final verse of Aue follows after asking for critical trust in science and knowledge. Aue up until now has asked for one to be increasingly well aware of the joy and woe in this world, to side for society's joy, and propagate these priorities. It has also made various assertions, tying into this, about our origins, drives, and endings, which are rooted in materialist understanding. Aue itself certainly has intention of using materialist conclusions as solutions.

To quote Albert Einstein:

Science … cannot create ends and, even less, instil them in human beings; science, at most, can supply the means by which to attain certain ends. But the ends themselves are conceived by personalities with lofty ethical ideals and—if these ends are not stillborn, but vital and vigorous—are adopted and carried forward by those many human beings who, half unconsciously, determine the slow evolution of society.


Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind. A fantastic sensationalised account of the rise of our species, Homo sapiens. It can help a reader understand their ancestor's journey across the Earth and through time. I have found myself a product of evolution moreso than ever before after reading, and can derive true existential purpose. Its unique commentary on social aspects of our species is critical to understanding our history and abilities. Why Socialism? An inspiration to Aue, concerning the dependence we have on one another for our livelihood. The abstraction of society Einstein provides touches both material and psychological aspects. We need others, and the mode of our material conditions greatly affects satisfaction of this. Mind Field. A fun, practical, modern series exploring concepts of neurobiology and psychology both lay and academic. Though it uses small participant sizes, it readily cites wider research and forms great habits of curiosity in its audience. The Selfish Gene. This book has personally helped me reconcile genetic survival-of-the-fittest evolution with all conceivable aspects of human empathy and indeed all other behaviours. I find it important to be grounded in the exact biological purpose we emerged with so we can better make sense of human and other animal nature. Dominion and Earthlings (1, 2). I am rather certain if these were global essential viewing that animal agricultural revenue would take a measuable hit. They are both very well made documentaries, with hours of footage impossible to “cherry-pick”. I recommend them to anyone who has not ever been touched by the plight of animal suffering before, or would like to take moral responsibility in at least knowing the animal's side of a non-vegan lifestyle. Snake Evolution AI. This is a demonstration of survival of the fittest as small a web app. The artificial brain learns over time to play the classic game of Snake by continuously breeding the best performers from a population of mutated individuals. It also gives example of a deterministic universe, for each time you open the webpage even after the 10,000th generation of breeding the individuals are exactly the same. Piltdown Man. An example of how critical faith in science was exercised, in the face of fake evidence. For some time the conclusions drawn from its findings were accepted, but not by all, and rejected once found out. It is important that its legacy among the public was rectified, and its false findings are archived. Sex and Sensibility. The whole of Forrest Valkai's YouTube channel is an entertaining yet deeply educational resource concerning biology. This video is a one-stop must-watch for understanding, if not at least appreciating, the complexity of sexuality in life and human beings specifically. SciShow YouTube channel. A digestible pop-science communication YouTube channel covering the old and new. PBS Eons YouTube Channel. Healthline. A great resource for questions about daily health, diseases, conditions, diets, and other impacts of lifestyle on health. They are credible and science-first, keeping advice simple and effective.. Psychology Today. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Our World in Data. A brilliant project from the Global Change Data Lab, collating and presenting meaningful data of humanity's past, present, and future. This wealth of international information can help us focus on the tangible and intangible issues we face at scale. Indices of prosperity (1, 2, 3). The Mathematical Danger of Democratic Voting. A terse and informative video on a particular mathematical insight of democracy, and how it can be manipulated. The takeaway: cooperation with minorities, and even those who disagree with you, can actually mitigate unfavourable conditions for all in the future. The power of animism: John Reid. The Future of AI’s Aesthetic Sense: From Imitation to True Appreciation. An article I wrote about the interesting depth I expect artificial life to reach concerning appreciations only humans are deemed to truly possess.